The Importance of Baptism & Church Membership
Baptism and church membership are righteous works! (Tit.3:5)
If you are not a believer, these righteous works won't do your soul any good. What
you need is repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal
As believers, baptism and Church membership are immensely
important to your Christian life and Christian Service. Because of false
teachers in the world, Baptists sometimes fail to emphasize these important
truths. We trust that this message will express to each one of us just how
important baptism and church membership are to true believers in the Lord Jesus
1. What is Scriptural Baptism?
1. Scriptural baptism is water baptism, not Spirit baptism.
There is no Holy Spirit baptism today.
This was a one time event
upon the church at Pentecost to inaugurate, accredit, and
empower the Lord’s
Church. Never was it performed upon
individuals as some teach
2. Scriptural
baptism is by immersion and never by pouring or sprinkling. The Greek word ‘baptizo’
means to dip or immerse
(Acts 8:36-39). This is the only way that believers were baptized in the
3. Believers
only were baptized in the Scriptures. Baptism is a manifestation of faith, but
does not
produce or procure it in any
way (Acts 8:37).
4. The one
doing the baptizing must have proper authority (Matt. 28:18-20). Only the New
Testament Church has God
given authority to administer baptism.
5. Scriptural
baptism is a picture of salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection
of Christ for
the sins of His people (Rom.
6:1-11). It is also a picture of a believer’s death to sin and
resurrection to walk in
newness of life.
2. What is a New Testament Church?
1. A church
is not a physical building or the meeting place of the church, but a spiritual
made up of its members.
2. A church
is a local, visible body of baptized believers. "Ecclesia", the Greek
word for "church",
means a called out assembly.
3. Christ is
the founder of His Church (Matt. 16:18). Peter, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles
Wesley, Alexander Campbell,
Joe Smith, nor any other man started or restarted the Lord’s
4. Christ is
the head of His Church (Eph. 1:22-23). The pastor, the members, Peter, nor the
pope is
the head of the Lord’s
Church; but Christ alone is the head of His Church.
5. The
church is the House of God (1Ti.3:15). The tabernacle and temple were the house
of God in
the Old Testament. Today the
church is the House of God with God given power and
1. Baptism is important because it is the first act of obedience to
-The church has the authority and commission to baptize
believers (Matt. 28:18). Thus the church is
commanded to baptize
-Believers are to follow the Lord in baptism (Matt
3:13-17). Baptism is so important that Jesus
walked 60 miles to be baptized of John to fulfill all righteousness; that is, to obey the
commands of God. Baptism is a command of God to every believer!
2. Baptism is important because it identifies believers with Christ:
-Sometimes we refer to baptism as the Christian’s
uniform (Gal. 3:27).
in the army wear an army uniform because they are in the army.
-I can buy an army uniform and wear it, but it doesn’t
mean I’m in the army!
-Wearing a army uniform, therefore, does not make one a
-But if you are in the army, you must wear a uniform.
must wear the uniform to be identified with the army.
-As our Christian identification, baptism is a
proclamation of a new life (Rom. 6:1-6).
is a proclamation of what our faith is in, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
is a proclamation of our death to sin and the old man.
is a proclamation of our commitment and allegiance to Christ.
3. Baptism is important because it is the answer to a good
conscience! (1 Pet. 3:21):
As a new believer your conscience wants to obey the
Lord and follow the Lord. The Spirit bears witness with your conscience that
this is the right thing to do!
4. Baptism is important because it is the door into the Church! (Acts 2:41):
You must submit to scriptural baptism to enjoy the
power and the privileges, and blessings that are given to members of the Lord’s
New Testament churches. Never in the New Testament were believers granted the right
to church membership without Scriptural baptism.
1. Church membership is important because God Receives glory in the church!
Eph. 3:20-21:
-Church membership is God’s design!
-We may have other ideas,
but our thoughts are not God’s thoughts, and our ways are not God’s ways. We
need to conform to the revealed will of God.
we desire to worship God and serve God and give Him the glory, we must do it
His way!
And His way is through His church!
2. Church membership is important because The Holy Spirit Resides in the Church
(Acts 1:4-8):
-The church was baptized with the Holy Spirit on the
day of Pentecost, and that special
manifestation of the Holy
Spirit has resided in the Lord’s churches ever since!!!
-The Holy Spirit empowers the Church to witness of
the grace of God, to evangelize our
communities, and to serve
the Lord, and worship the Lord in His house.
-You will not have the power of the Holy Spirit to
serve the Lord until you submit to Scriptural
baptism and membership in
one of the Lord’s true Churches.
3. Church membership is important because Jesus Loves His Church:
-Jesus loves and cares for His church (Eph. 5:27-32).
-Jesus shed His blood for the church (Acts 20:28).
-Because Jesus loves and cares for His Church so
much, shouldn’t we as Christians
desire to be a member? If we are not a member, we miss so many
4. Church membership is important because believers need the Church:
-In the Scriptures the church is compared to a
building (Eph. 2:20-22).
need the strength and support of other believers to be built together and fitly
into a strong house.
of a brick or a board all by itself; what purpose does it serve? But when it is
incorporated into a
building, it not only adds to the building, but it also benefits from
all the other parts. It is
like that with the church!
-The church is also compared to a body! (Eph. 4:15-16).
members we grow up together, we suffer together, we hurt together, we rejoice together!
church was designed by the Lord not only to serve Him, but also to serve
need the church!
5. Church membership is important because the Church is the Bride of Christ:
is a wedding day coming (Rev. 19:6-9).
eternal dwelling place of the bride (Rev. 21:9-10).
As believers, we should desire to be a part of the
bride of Christ!
It is a great privilege and honor to be a member of
one of the Lord’s churches! Next to being saved it is the greatest blessing
that mortal man can experience.
It is also our great and solemn duty as blood bought
children of God to be faithful to the Lord’s church. We owe everything to
Jesus, for all He’s done for us!
Have you been saved by the grace of God? Have you
repented and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior?
If so, have you followed your Lord in Scriptural baptism and membership in one of the Lord’s Churches? These things cannot save you, but if you are saved, baptism and church membership are so important to the rest of your Christian life of service to the Lord!
Will you say with the Eunuch in Acts Chapter 8: “here
is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?”
We invite you this morning to come confessing your
faith in Jesus Christ, and to be baptized into this local body of Christ.