A Time to Every Purpose under Heaven

(Ecc. 3:1-8)




Everything has a purpose in God's plan.  This vast puzzle of life and of time on earth that sometimes seems so mixed up and without meaning and purpose, in reality is all fitting together to fulfill God's master plan for His creation.  Nothing happens that God is not aware of.  Nothing happens that God is not in control of.  More so, nothing happens that is contrary to God's sovereign will and purpose under heaven for His creation.  There is a time and purpose under heaven for everything that happens in this life.


We may wonder "why Lord is this happening to me".  I have heard it said that "if God loved me He would never have let this happen to me" or that "if there really is a God, then He would not let this or that happen".  Oh, may the sons of men bite their tongues!  May we not utter such foolish words against God. 


God has a higher purpose.  God's plan is deeper and broader and bigger than what our feeble minds are able to comprehend.  May we, who are God's dear children, be content to know that God is good (Rom. 2:4); that He is gracious and righteous and merciful (Ps. 116:5; Gen. 18:25- shall not the Judge of all the earth do right); and holy (1 Pet. 1:16); and faithful (Heb. 10:23); and that He is working all things for our good and His glory (Rom. 8:28).


This morning we want to notice 5 of the things that there is a time for from our text.


1.  A time to be born (vs. 2):


Israel as a nation; people physically; people spiritually (born again); Christ our Savior; Israel (born again in a day).


Is it time today for one God's elect to be born again?  We hope and pray that it is!


2.  A time to plant (vs. 2):


That is to sow- to broadcast seed; to sow the gospel seed.


Some principles of sowing:


-Observing obstacles hinders sowing (Ecc. 11:4)

-If we sow sparingly we will reap sparingly, but if we sowing bountifully we shall reap bountifully (2 Cor. 9:6).

-We reap what we sow (Gal. 6:6)- like begets like!

-We sow expecting to reap a harvest (1 Cor. 3:6)


Also, we should plant with purpose, with design, with a strategy, with skill, with efficiency.


Perhaps it is time to plant today.  To plant seeds of love and kindness in our church; to plant the gospel seed in our community.


3.  A time to heal (vs. 3):


-To heal physically (God still does heal)

-Spiritually (to heal our spiritual wounds)

-To heal our church:  There has been killing and wounding and wars and fightings within.


Is it time to be healed?


4.  A time to build up (vs. 3):


-Time to build up our church

-We have been torn and broken down; we have been scattered to the four winds…


Perhaps it is time:


-to build ourselves up in our most holy faith

-to strengthen our doctrinal understanding

-to strengthen the bond of love between us

-to build up our membership


5.  A time of peace (vs. 8):


In our church (blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God; Matt. 5:9)


Perhaps it is a time for peace in our church. 




Perhaps it is a time to be born…

Perhaps it is a time to plant the gospel in our community…

Perhaps it is time to heal our church with a great healing from the Lord…

Perhaps it is time to build up our church…

Perhaps it is time for peace in our church (be found of Him in peace- 2 Pet. 3:14)…


(Sermon preached by Pastor Burke at Calvary Baptist Church)