Hurting Others
By C.W. Burke
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7-10:
There seems to be no repercussions
for hurting others emotionally and spiritually. How easy it is to hurt other
people without giving thought for their feelings, and more so, for what it may
do to their lives in the future. One way people hurt others is by spreading
malicious gossip. Tale bearing and spreading gossip may defame and mar a
persons reputation for life! Another way people hurt others is by dishonesty in
relationships. Sometimes men and women will lead another person on in a
relationship, pretending to love the other person, when all along they have no
real intentions. And then, when circumstances make the relationship
undesirable, they break the relationship, and break the other person's heart.
They take no thought or consideration for what sorrow and hardships this will
bring into the life of the one they've hurt. Sometimes people hurt others by
saying or doing spiteful things. These things include belittling others or
humiliating them in front of other people, or selectively leaving someone out
of special activities. We could go on and on, but this should suffice!
This old world holds to the
philosophy of "survival of the fittest", where the strong prevail at
the expense of the weak. I know that in this world its "every man for
himself". But in the Christian realm, where Christ is supposed to be at
the reigns of the heart, and love is to have divine rule over our lives, we
expect better of those who profess to know Jesus, the very expression of God's
love. Sad to say, but often times there seems to be little difference between
believers and the people of the world in this regard. Christians are too often
guilty of hurting others, even their brothers and sisters in Christ, without
any thought for what might happen to the other person as a result (Gal.5:15, Jam.4:1).
The offending parties go about
their lives as though nothing is wrong, while the ones they've hurt are often
left in the "slough of despond"; perhaps even questioning God's love
for their soul. They may even be ready to throw out their Biblical convictions,
especially their convictions about Christian fellowship and godly Christian
relationships, because it seems to them that professing believers are as
hateful, and unthoughtful, and inconsiderate as the lost infidels of this
world. The hurt persons may go to the other extreme and become introverted, and
hide themselves from future relationships for fear of being hurt again. They
lock themselves away from life's hurts, and consequently from some of life's
greatest joys. They live out their lives in lonely solitude because of the
thoughtless, inconsiderate actions of another believer. Has this happened? Does
this happen? Sad to say it has and it does!
We are living in an "I
don't care society". Even Christians will trample upon the hearts of their
fellow believers without the least thought that what they are doing is wrong. I
know there seems to be a license in our society for hurting others emotionally
and spiritually, and this is the excepted norm and way of life. We justify
these actions by saying "everyone gets hurt", thereby excusing our
offenses upon those we hurt. May we as believers see that this behavior is
wrong, and that it is not only an offense to those we hurt, but that it is also
an offense to God.
It just seems there are no
repercussions for selfishly and thoughtlessly hurting fellow believers. Or
could it be that the repercussions just don't come immediately. Now it is
interesting that, in the context of teaching about offenses and about Christian
conduct and behavior toward fellow believers, the Bible tells us in Galatians
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the
flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit
reap life everlasting.
This ought to be taken as a
serious and severe warning from God against hurting others. This universal law
of sowing and reaping has no built in exemptions. Jesus said that if we
"live by the sword" that we will "die by the sword". You
hurt others, especially God's children, then sooner or later you will be hurt-
and probably more severely. You, who by your inconsiderate and thoughtless
actions or words, cause a fellow believer to stumble and fall, and destroy
their life and happiness- you will not escape the judgment of God upon your
sin. Yes, there are repercussions for hurting others. This ought to cause every
believer to fear before God. This ought to cause us to walk cautiously, and
thoughtfully, and considerately before others so as not to offend our brothers
and sisters.
May God help us to be a
different people, a peculiar people who abound in the love and kindness of our
Lord. May we not be like this selfish "every man for himself" world
that we live in. May we no more be guilty of thoughtlessly and recklessly
hurting our brothers and sisters! May we examine and reconsider things that we
may have done or said to a brother or sister in Christ that may have hurt them.
May we do all that we can to seek their forgiveness and to make right our past
wrongs. May we humbly repent of these things before God and seek His mercy and
forgiveness for hurting one of His dear children. Oh, may the Lord bless this
message to each one of our hearts, that we may resolve to quit hurting others
from this day forward.
A Word to the
I sympathize with your pain. I
wish I fully understood why the Lord allows these things to happen in our
lives. Jesus certainly never condones such behavior by His people, but rather
always condemns it in His Word (Matt.18:6-10). I do know and can assure you of
this, that if you will seek the Lord diligently in prayer and supplication, and
seek Him in His Word; and if you will bear your hurt patiently, I know that you
will come through this time in your life a stronger and better Christian (Jam.1:3-4).
The Bible also teaches that you should go to the person who hurt you and tell
them you are offended, and give them the opportunity to repent of the wrong
that they have done you (Matt.18:15). One of the hardest things to do is to
forgive that person, but you must if you want to be obedient to the Lord (Matt.18:21-22).
The Bible refers to these times as the fiery trials of your faith (1 Pet.4:12-13).
They are "fiery", as they seem unbearable. But with time and the
Lord's help, they will subside to Christian growth and renewed blessings and
joy from the Lord (Rom.5:3-5).
You might consider how that
Jesus can relate to your hurting (Heb.2:14-18). Jesus, the kind and
compassionate Savior, came unto His own and His own received Him not (Jn.1:11).
His very own people hated Him and went about to destroy Him without a cause. He
knew that His very own people would arrest Him and have Him crucified as a
common criminal (Matt.20:18). Knowing all this, He still loved them and wept
over them (Lk.19:41). The Lord Jesus knows what it is like to be hurt- more so
than we ever will. Seek the Lord during your time of pain and hurting, for He
can and will comfort you with His Spirit (Heb.4:14-16).
You might consider how that
Jesus loves you, and will never leave nor forsake you (Heb.13:5). These are not
just idle words. Jesus is the author of all true happiness and joy and
blessing. He will not leave you in your grief, but will surely bring you out
into the land of joy once again. You may not see all this, and feel all this
clearly just now, but you will before long.
Remember that God's people
love and care for you (Gal.6:2, Jn.13:34,
Jn.15:12-17, 1 Jn.4:7). We know that what you are going through is very
hard. Lean on your Christian brothers and sisters, as they will help you to get
through your time of deepest hurt. Look to them for comfort and encouragement,
for they can provide great strength.
Whatever you do, don't lose
hope in God. Don't let this hurt turn you against what you know to be right.
Don't let this hurt turn you bitter against other believers or against new
relationships (Heb.12:15). Do what is right, even though it is hard, and the Lord
will bless you for it in the end.
I hesitate to mention this
final exhortation, but it its necessary. You should also search your life at
this time to see if perhaps you are not reaping what you have sown sometime in
your past. If so, seek the Lord's forgiveness and His tender mercies for the
past wrongs that you have done to others. Learn and grow from this experience,
and become a better Christian as a result. The chastisement of the Lord is
never pleasant at the time, but He chastens those He loves (Heb.12:5-13).
Receive His correction patiently and be thankful that He doesn't let us go on
in our sinful ways, but corrects us as a father corrects his children.
May the Lord bless you!